Mike Siggins

Mike Siggins has been playing all sorts of games for 35 years and
writing about them for the last 25. He is probably best known for
publishing and editing Sumo magazine, which pioneered in-depth reviews
and analysis of German Games, for The Rules Bank, and his work on The
Game Cabinet. He has also written for Perfidious Albion, Games
International, G3, Games Magazine, Interactive Fiction and Wargames
Illustrated. He served as a member of the editorial board of Games &
Puzzles, and on the Daily Telegraph Game of the Year panel. He was a
founder member of the IGA jury. He currently writes Gamer’s Notebook,
for Battlegames and occasionally for Counter magazine.

Mike works at an English university, and also as a game design
consultant. He has several designs to his credit, and he is also
developing boardgames for a major publisher, specialising in licensed
properties. His main gaming interests are innovative, chaotic and
thematic game systems, sports and historical subjects, and narrative
atmosphere. His other interests include collecting books, history,
baseball and cycling. Mike was born in 1961 and lives in The Fens,

2 Responses to Mike Siggins

  1. Mark Johnson says:

    I’m really looking forward to reading Mike’s writing again (no surprise, and I’ve enjoyed having him on my podcast a few times). Yea!!

  2. robi baker (sculptor) says:

    Hi mike robi baker here I trust your well, I’m trying to get in touch with Bill G.
    I would be chuffed if you could forward me email?
    Hope to see at a convention somewhere soon
    best robi