Time to start post-Thanksgiving Shopping! Opinionated Gamers Gift Guide 2024 – Classic Game Franchises

OK, if you’re not ready for shopping, just skip this post.  But, if you’re looking to get a jump on the holiday season, here are a few ideas for you.  Most gamers are collectors, and if there’s something that they like, they generally want to have all of the things…  Here are some links to great deals on classic game franchises.  So many things are on sale this week due to Black Friday coming up.

Maybe you’ll be wanting to buy gifts for your family and friends.

Maybe you’re in need of an idea (and a link) to give to family members you’re seeing today so that you get a game you want instead of a pair of socks…  Might as well fill in a hole in your collection?!

Below you’ll find links to start/complete your collections of Ticket To Ride, 7 Wonders, Pandemic, Dominion, Catan, Carcassonne, and more… (All the links but one are Amazon affiliate links, so you will also be helping us out).

Ticket to Ride




7 Wonders









(usual disclaimer that I helped develop the game, so this can be viewed as pure shilling)






Wavelength ($17)   —

OK this isn’t a classic yet, but it is going to be. And, if you’ve just spent all day wishing that you had a great party game to play with family and friends, I can’t recommend one any more highly than Wavelength.  The game rarely goes on sale, and interestingly, the webpage doesn’t show the price, but when you add it to the cart, it lists at $17.50 today.  https://www.target.com/p/asmodee-wavelength-board-game/-/A-83549452#lnk=sametab


OK, return to your normal holiday festivities. Eat some pie. Watch some football. Have a turkey tryptophan coma. Get your keyboard ready for tomorrow. (Do people still go out and shop in person?! I don’t miss the days of waking up stupid early to stand outside a Best Buy or a Circuit City trying to get the best deals on Black Friday)

Until your next appointment

The Gaming Doctor

About Dale Yu

Dale Yu is the Editor of the Opinionated Gamers. He can occasionally be found working as a volunteer administrator for BoardGameGeek, and he previously wrote for BoardGame News.
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